My husband and I started Hugs from Above in November 2023. We started it in honor of our daughter McKinsey who we lost at 18 weeks in May of 2023. When we had our loss, we realized that there is not a lot of resources available in our community for moms, and families, after they have lost a pregnancy. I felt really alone and wanted to help other moms not feel so alone after such a loss.
We provide care packages and support to families after they have a miscarriage or stillbirth, and a big goal I have is to one day help with funeral costs or burial/cremation costs.
Our care packages include a book for mom, a book for dad, a book for siblings if there are any, a journal, a necklace with the babies birthstone and birth flower, a teddy bear or other stuffed animal, a pack of Forget Me Not Seeds, a candle and lots of self care items like bath bombs, bath salts, shower steamers, lotion, lip balm, and facial masks. We also include a Door Dash gift card for the family to use to order a meal. The day we got home from the hospital, someone had a meal delivered to us and we still don’t know who did it but it was the most amazing thing not having to worry about how to feed our son that night.
We have a website, www.hugsfromabove.org and a Facebook page, Hugs from Above. We are currently planning a loss Mom’s retreat in July, and recently became a registered non profit in the State of South Dakota.

Dr. Mike Statz, a general surgeon with RCMC, joined 17 medical and ministerial members to represent the Rapid City organization Bridges Of Hope for a 16 day medical mission to Liberia West Africa January 4 – January 20. Bridges Of Hope is a local Christian organization looking to empower Liberians through quality healthcare and quality education.
Nine members, HOPE Surgical, worked out of Phebe Hospital – central Liberia. Nine members, HOPE Medical, worked out of the Bridges Of Hope K – 12 school in Bensenville – southern Liberia. Monument Health and various local healthcare groups graciously donated medications and supplies for over 100 surgical procedures (primarily large thyroid goiter removals and hernia repairs) and Bridges Of Hope organization helped fund over 800 medical clinic visit medications and supplies.
Dr. Mike Statz and Dr. Suzie Hanses, Michigan, were directing the HOPE General Surgical group. Martin Digler, PAC, Monument Health Heart Doctors, is a Liberian native and headed up the HOPE Medical Group.
For more information about the local Bridges Of Hope organization, please see bridgesofhopewesrafrica.com.